
The internet is omnipresent—particularly in the arts and culture. Literary, performative and creative means of expression have been multiplied by bits and bytes.

From digital arts, starting with remixes and GIFs, to internet art, augmented or virtual reality, creative activism, to questions of cultural policy: we want to discuss all of this with you at re:publica——or maybe even directly build some prototypes on-site!

New formats of appropriation, production and conveyance are often abridged by legal or technical frameworks—or by now even curtailed by learning machines that have no capacities for interpretation, let alone a sense of humour. Challenges and opportunities coexist in the datafication of arts and the artistic refinement of data—for both artists and consumers alike.
For this track, your literary bot projects are just as welcome as scholarly treatises on the Insta-sphere or even an augmented theatre piece.

We want co-creation. We want archives opened to hackers. We want to celebrate, discuss and marvel at internet activism and cooperations between the maker scene, programmers and artists.

We’re looking forward to your projects, ideas and issues related to the “Culture” track and are curious to see what new-found knowledge and experiences we can tap into with you.

  • Culture
    Joseph Blasphemous is widely considered to be Europe’s leading Business Magician, a branch of consulting that he himself invented. His practice was once thought of as business methodology but it is now seen as a religion and Joseph, the Grand Cardmaster, is worshipped by every practising Hustletologist. But his time has come. He is old. His Hustle is weary.
    A new Cardmaster must be found.
  • Culture
    Prior to 2020 The Uncanny was well known in certain fields - psychology, literature, animation, robotics. Nowadays - everyone, everywhere, had experienced the unsettling feeling of the strangely familiar. We’ll tour the Uncanny, from deepfakes in the Uncanny Valley, the role of the strangely familiar in horror films, the politics of the Uncanny and how could we not mention QAnon. Could the Uncanny be the new fear, of the “new normal”? Not fear of an unknown other, but fear of an unknowable self?
  • Culture
    Dank Pandemie bewegt sich die Gegenwart im Dauerschatten eines Worst-Case-Szenarios.
    Doch Überleben ist nicht genug. Der Mensch braucht eine Utopie und die Welt ist zum Verändern da.
    Willkommen auf Tahiti! Hvorecky hat einen Roman geschrieben, der die Geschichte auf den Kopf stellt, und eine Betrachtung des neuen Nationalismus.
    Denn wer will nicht ein Stück vom Paradies?
  • Culture
    In Paris, France, public libraries have invited me to conduct outdoor creative philosophical workshops for children for the event Libraries Beyond The Walls. Since 2015, every summer with librarians we have reached out to the young generation in parks and public gardens.
    My anthropological talk will explain how a municipal cultural policy that involves private educational initiatives can multiply access to books, digital tools, critical thinking, creativity, and democracy in a big city.
  • Culture
    Die Jugendbibliothek der ZLB braucht endlich ein neues Konzept - bedürfnisorientiert und partizipativ, nicht nur für, sondern mit den Jugendlichen. Während der Pandemie ist das gar nicht so einfach...
  • Culture
    Die Corona-Krise trifft uns als Berliner Kulturinstitution hart. Um trotzdem mit unserem Publikum in Kontakt zu bleiben, haben wir viele Angebote in den digitalen Raum verlagert. Dazu zählt das Online-Angebot "#konzertZUhaus" genauso wie die interaktive Komposition in VR "Umwelten" und unser Kanal auf Twitch, der im April startet. Wir sind mittendrin im digitalen Transformationsprozess und werden diese Kanäle - neben den klassischen Veranstaltungen bei uns im Haus - weiter nutzen.
  • Culture
    Later this year Silbersalz Science and Media Festival (Halle Saale) is collaborating with Lunar Ring (part of the Cyber Valley Initiative, Europe's largest research cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence) to present a four day programme of live arts activities that will be co-created in real time by an AI.
    Join one of the curators of the Silbersalz in conversation with Dr Johannes Stelzer from Lunar Ring to discuss the opportunities afforded through human AI creative collaboration.
  • Culture
    Ein paar Tage Zeit, ein Dutzend Expert*innen, ein Buch – Als Gastgeberinnen für Booksprints können Bibliotheken Plattformen bieten, um lebendige Wissensressourcen zu schaffen.