Gabriela Agustini is the founder and executive director of Olabi, a Brazilian social organization focused on encouraging the use of new (and old) technologies for social change. Part of the fablab global network, the institution manage 2 makerspaces in Rio de Janeiro and also help other institutions to design programs and policies to promote diversity in the world of technologies. Gabriela is also currently Professor of Culture and Technology at Candido Mendes University, Visitant Professor of Entrepreneurship at Fundação Getúlio Vargas, both in Rio, and curator of Colaboramerica, the Latin America version of Ouishare Festival. She is the co-organizer and the co-author of "De baixo para Cima"("Bottom-up"), a book of articles about digital culture, new economy and peripheries in Brazil. She has traveled more than 20 countries in the 5 continents working on projects and speaking at events related to innovation.
- EnglishIn Conversation With-