With a background in Information Science, Helene Brinken currently works at theTIB. Helene holds a master’s degree in International Information Management. Access to knowledge and creating learning materials has been her focus throughout her studies. Her master’s thesis about Intergenerational Knowledge Sharing was awarded with the Gerhard Lustig Award 2017.
In the past her responsibilities have included being responsible for dissemination and advocacy activities in several EU-funded projects, e.g. FOSTER Plus and FIT4RRI, she has been deeply involved in creating Open Science training materials such as the FOSTER toolkit. She regularly has organized Open Science training workshops and has been facilitating the creation of the Open Science training handbook.
At the TIB she is currently working for the BMBF-funded project open-access.network, a platform that provides comprehensive information on the subject of Open Access and offers practical advice on its implementation.